7 Signs it Time for a Hormone Test

Our hormones control so many aspects of our overall health and general well being, When our hormones are in balance our bodies function at more of a stable rate, when hormones move out of balance this can lead to problematic symptoms and long term even certain diseases. There are many facets of our daily lives that affect our hormones such as diet, stress levels, movement and exercise, and especially environmental xenoestrogens that are found in many things such as makeup and plastic that we come into contact with each day.

Here are 7 signs that you may have a hormone imbalance:


1-Thinning Hair


3-Foggy Thinking



6-Weight Gain especially in hip/thigh area

7-Sleep Disturbances including hot flashes and night sweats

Hormonal testing allows for a clear picture or baseline of where your hormone levels currently are and then allows for us to create a custom treatment plan just for you based on the results we find. Testing takes the guesswork out of treatment which leads to better outcomes for our patients overall health!

If you feel like your hormones are off balance or just haven't quite been feeling like yourself it may be a good time to look into having your hormones tested. Feel free to get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation with Kara Kelly, NP and take the first step to improving your overall health! Call us at 301-762-6686.

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